Wednesday, January 11, 2012

So... it's been a while.

So my wife (yes I'm married now) has begun blogging... so I figure that I can get back to it too! Let's see here. Since I last posted I got engaged, got married, graduated from college with a B.S. in Music Education, lived in Jackson, WY for the summer working at a dinner/wagon ride/show called the BAR T 5, moved to Provo, UT and worked as a substitute teacher for all of Fall semester, then got a job at Bluehost in the billing department (call center).  So NOW that we're all caught up... I'm not entirely sure what to talk about. Okay, I know.

Why people die, and why God is okay with it.

... I'm too tired to explain this effectively.  I guess you'll just have to wait.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

It's the end of the Semester!

And my mother will be in town on Wednesday! OMG! Everything is coming to a head pretty quickly here! I have a big project coming up pretty quickly for one of my classes, finals are in two weeks, after which I'll be going to visit family down in Roswell, NM. My senior Recital is THURSDAY! (Dec 9th at 7:00pm, you should come). I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND! And she's pretty much amazing, It hasn't been very long, but I'm already attached... there are just so many things to process about it right now... I really do care about her, I find it really funny that I'm blogging about this, because no one probably even knows that this blog exists... I guess this is like a journal for me then :) My own private journal that no one even reads, lol. Anyway, My friend Spencer is getting married to my other friend Nicole next month, I'm pretty excited for him, they are going to be happy together.

 There is just so much to think about, and even more that I'd like to say, but I really think I should keep it to my journal. I'm not worried about the senior recital, or the finals, or student teaching (I should be doing that next semester), or projects or anything, I think life is going to go pretty well :) I just hope everything I'm doing is the right thing. It sounds like I need to go visit the temple. Anyway, Thanks for letting me babble world, enjoy!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Guy Fawkes

Also! Happy Guy Fawkes night!
Remember Remember the 5th of November, Gunpowder treason and plot.
I know no reason for the gunpowder treason to every be forgot.

Senior Recital, and stuff

So here's the update. Dixie State College now has a music education degree, I got to go to Salt lake to watch the Board of Regent officially say yes to it. So that was nice.

I'm really working hard on getting ready for my senior recital, I only have 2 weeks until my preview (which is the big part) and I JUST added music to the recital because it wasn't long enough yet. So I have to learn new music, and still hack out other music, and on top of all of that do all of my reading and homework for my education classes... I don't I'll be seeing much of anything/one else for a while.

My good friend Nicole Pace did me a HUGE favor today, I originally just needed pictures taken of me to make a flier for my senior recital, and it turned into an all out PHOTO SHOOT! There were over 100 pictures taken! I could hardly believe it! So I'll probably be posting a lot of these pictures, and forever complimenting and thanking Nicole for her awesomeness, and getting her chocolate... because she's awesome.

Umm... I got a free hug from a random stranger today, it was pretty cool. No idea who she is, she just had a "Free Hugs" sign in her hand attached to her binder, I pointed it out, and she gave me a free hug! And then I got about 2-3 other free hugs from other awesome friends, so that was cool too. Anywho, it's been a pretty good day... 'cept for all of the work I now need to do. So there you have it, bye!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

It's been a while!

Okay. So I'm now officially back on facebook. It's been intense! I spend a lot of time on there just like I used to! *sigh* Maybe I should just let the addiction do it's thing, jk. I don't know. Anyway, My senior recital is coming up! And a whole bunch of other stuff too! Loads of work to do for my education classes. I'm going to see the Board of Regents sign the Music Education Degree up at U of U tomorrow, so I'm kinda excited for the trip. I've started practicing everyday now, and it's getting easier to get myself to do. All of the music stuff for the Ward is coming along pretty well, and yeah, I'm just having a ball! Anyway, byes!

Sunday, October 17, 2010


So I logged back into facebook for about a week... and that was enough for me. I'm back off of it again, I just need to concentrate, and facebook is NOT going to help with that... I say as I'm wasting time posting to this blog :P. Anyway, it's the end of the season for the musicals at Tuachan, Crazy for You was SO much fun, it's a great musical and I highly recommend it. I went to the Corn Maize Wednesday, that was pretty fun. We kinda cheated and used the map provided, but we got through the two hardest (I think) mazes in under 45 minutes! So that was fun. The Music Education Degree should be passed on the 29th of October, which is WAY good, that means that if I get my butt in gear I can graduate in May! Other things, I'm playing the soprano saxophone in the choir concert this week, and I'll also be playing for the Southwest Symphony doing a soprano sax solo in Bolero (I love that song... but it is WAY too long!) Temple night this Wednesday, I'm happy for that, aaaand yeah, not much else to report. Bye!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

My Mormon Profile

I'm a Mormon.

I believe this is a link to my profile on, I should probably update that pretty soon, but I figure I should start getting it out there :)